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About Hair Transplant


What causes Hair loss?

  1. Most common cause of hair loss in males is hereditary androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness). The presence of the hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), in a genetically susceptible man is necessary for this problem to occur.

  2. In females, diffuse hair loss with thinning is more common which may be due to genetic factors, thyroid disease, iron deficiency, stress or less commonly due to high fever, surgery or general anesthesia, “crash diets,” childbirth.

  3. In androgenetic alopecia hairs on the front and top of the scalp start to shrink until it eventually disappear. The hairs on the back and side of scalp are genetically “permanent” hair, not affected by DHT. These permanent hairs are utilized in hair transplantation.


Hair Replacement / Hair Loss Treatment / Hair Restoration services

Q. What can be done about male pattern hair loss?

  • Hair transplant offers a permanent, living solution to lost scalp hair.

  • Effective medical treatments are now offered in the form of a pill (finasteride) and a topical liquid (minoxidil). They require life-long treatment to maintain their effect.

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a novel treatment to treat hair fall and ageing skin.

  • Cosmetic enhancers and hairpieces (wigs, weaving etc.) can help to camouflage baldness temporarily. They do not treat the hair loss process.

Q. What is FUE hair transplant?

  • Hair transplantation involves harvesting permanent hair-bearing skin from the back and/or sides of the scalp (donor area) by cutting out a strip (FUT=FOLLICULAR UNIT TRANSPLANTATION/STRIP METHOD) or by directly removing individual follicular units using special equipment’s (FUE=FOLLICULAR UNIT EXTRACTION).

  • FUE is a method of obtaining individual follicular units from the donor harvesting site (body or scalp) one graft at a time using sharp circular punches,

  • We believe that FUE is a much better choice because of the following points.


Advantage of FUE method at DermaClinix

  • We use the most precise Cole's instrument and surrounded punches 0.75-0.85 mm ensuring least transaction rates (<3%) which is lowest in the world, thus there is least graft wastage.

  • Our surgical technique involves direct implantation of the extracted grafts with "No touch to root technique". So that the 'time outside the body is least and graft survival is almost 100%.

  • We use the best magnification system available from Carl Zeiss (Germany) & Heine, 4X and 5X loupes.

  • Smaller puch size 0.7 mm  0.8 mm punches are used to harvest the grafts from donor area. Smaller puch size ensures rapid healing of donor area

  • Megasessions and gigasessions is reguraly performed in a single day sitting at dermaclinix.

  • Highly experinced surgeons extract the grafts ensuring very less transection rate

  • Body and beard area can harvested in same sitting if the donor area of scalp is limited

  • Packing of recepient area at a very good density (up to 50 to 60 grafts per cm2  )

  • Fue combined with PRP (Bio Stimulated FUE)


Q. Who can benefit from hair restoration surgery?

  • Anyone who has experienced permanent hair loss may be a candidate for hair restoration surgery, including:

  • Male and Female patterned baldness,

  • Men or women who want to restore or change the shape of their hairline

  • People with areas of scarring from injuries or “scarring” skin diseases, and also patients who experienced some hair loss after surgery, such as face lift procedures,

  • People who want to thicken or restore eyebrows, eyelashes, beards, pubic hairs.


Q. What happens during a hair transplant procedure?

  • Hair transplantation is a minor out-patient surgery that requires 4–12 hours and are usually performed under local anesthesia. No dietary restrictions are required.

  • We at DermaClinix perform hair replacement by Powered Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE) technique which involves direct removal of individual follicular units (each contains 1-4 hairs) with the help of specialized equipment. As no cutting and suturing is required in this method the cosmetic results are excellent in the donor area with NO visible scarring.

  • These small grafts are then meticulously planted into the bald or thinning area of the scalp (recipient area) maintaining same angle as the other hairs present.


Q. What happens after hair transplant surgery?

  • Within 24 hours small crusts will form on each graft that is then shed in approximately 2-3 weeks. The grafted hairs will often start to grow by 2-4 months and full results are achieved at ~1 year after the procedure.

  • A minority of patients may experience mild swelling in the forehead area for a few days following surgery which goes away in 3–4 days.

  • Patients may be asked to use moist compresses or sprays and to sleep in a semi-upright position for 2–3 days following the procedure to minimize swelling.

Q. When should I start treatment?

  • We recommend beginning medical treatment/PRP for significant hair loss as soon as the problem has been identified.

  • Hair transplants can be used to fill in the front hairline and thicken the front half of the scalp, and medical treatment/PRP can be used to maintain hair behind the transplant.


Q. How many Hairs/Follicular units are required?

This assessment is based on the area to be transplanted and the eventual hair density required. In most case we keep hair density of 35-45FU/cm2. A rough estimate is given below (inred) in terms of follicular units. Kindly note each FU contains 2-3 hairs.


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